
By utilizing our services, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and believe us with your data. The Privacy Policy of our services is intended to guide you that what sort of data do we gather, why do we gather it and how would we utilize it.

Personal Information

Although our services generally do not require any form of registration, allowing you to visit our site without telling us who you are. However, some services may require you to provide us with Personal Information. In such situations, if you choose to “disclose” any Personal Data requested by us, you may not be able to gain access to certain parts of the site and for us to respond to your query.

Protection of information

We take practical steps to protect all personal Information. Strict administrative and technical procedures are maintained to protect information stored in our servers.

Access to information is limited (through username/password) to only those employees who require it to perform their job functions.

Third Party Sites

The website caters for links of third party websites and has also provided the phone numbers of the same. We hold no credibility of the links displayed and can’t be held responsible for the information and content on those websites. Users are requested to be cautious before clicking on any link and go through our privacy policy clearly.

Changes and notifications

We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy periodically. Please review this Policy from time to time to check for updates. We may provide additional notice and/or an opportunity to “opt-in,” before making any necessary changes.

We will provide you with disclosures and alerts about our Policy by posting them on our Website, by emailing on the email address you provided us during the time of registration.

If by any chance that you have encountered any issue or inquiry regarding our security approach then you can feel free to get in touch with us at our number.

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